On Wednesday, September 11, 2019, the American Legion District 10 and the V.I. Office of Veterans invites the community at large to pause and remember the tragic events of this day eigh.
On the island of St. Croix, starting at 11am, the American Legion and Office of Veterans Affairs will join cities across America by hosting a local “America Supports You Freedom Walk”. The “America Supports You Freedom Walk” will begin at the Bassin Triangle, across from the Police Station and travel down King Street on to the Myron G. Danielson American Legion Post Headquarters at #2 Hospital Grounds. All members of the community are invited to attend this Freedom Walk.
On the island of St. John, starting at 10am, the American Legion Post 131 will host a program at the Frank Powell Park in Cruz Bay to remember all those that made the ultimate sacrifice. All members of the community are invited to attend this program.
If there are any further questions please call our office in either district at one of the following numbers: (340) 773 VETS on St. Croix and (340) 774
VETS on St. Thomas/St. John.