MEDIA CONTACT PERSON: Director Patrick Farrell
340-774-VETS (8387)
Vaccinated Veterans and Family Members Eligible for Vaccination Lottery
- Are you a Veteran or the family member of a Veteran?
- Did you get vaccinated in the Virgin Islands by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs?
- Are you interested in an opportunity to win $100k as part of the vaccine lottery?
If the answer to all three is “yes”, and you are interested in the vaccine lottery, then the Virgin Island Office of Veterans Affairs needs to see you. Please bring your vaccination card and a government issued I.D. to the Office of Veterans Affairs within your district by Friday July 2, 2021. Documents must be brought in; no other forms of delivery will be accepted.
“Medically related records for Virgin Islands Veterans are maintained by the VA Caribbean Healthcare System. For those interested Veterans to be a part of the lottery, this process would give us access to this information and permission to enter their names”, said Director Farrell.
Veterans can get up-to-date information on the Office of Veterans Affairs website at www.veterans.vi.gov calling the office @ (340) 774-8387, or by texting the word VIVets (no spaces) to 888-652-8387