MEDIA CONTACT PERSON: Director Patrick Farrell
340-774-VETS (8387)
31 August 2022
VI Veterans Advisory Council (VIVAC) Seeking Members
The V.I. Office of Veteran Affairs is in search of Veterans interested in serving on our “NEW” V.I. Veterans Advisory Council (VIVAC). Volunteers must be Veterans who joined the military while residing in the Virgin Islands. Members of VIVAC will assist the Office of Veterans Affairs in enhancing the quality of life for Veterans and their families by recommending new legislation, additions and or deletions to current policies, and bringing attention to deficiencies within the Veteran community to name a few.
To bring this council to life, we are seeking Veterans residing on each island within the U.S. Virgin Islands. To show your interest please use on of the following means of communications:
- Send an email to info_va@va.vi.gov with the subject line being “Veteran Advisory Council”
- Call (340) 773-8387 ext202 on St. Croix or (340) 774-8387 ext204 on St. Thomas.
- Walk in to one of our offices and make it known that you are interested in serving on the council
Please be advised that veterans can continue to get up-to-date information by visiting the Office of Veterans Affairs website at www.veterans.vi.gov, calling the office @ (340) 774/ 773 – 8387, or by texting the word VIVets (no spaces) to 888-652-8387.