COVID-19 Assistance Available Through CARES ACT for Eligible Veterans
The Methodist Training and Outreach Center, Inc. (MTOC) was awarded additional funding from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program to serve homeless veterans through the CARES Act. This funding is to be used to immediately meet the needs of homeless veterans or those veterans who may be facing homelessness through the loss of current housing.
MTOC, in conjunction with the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs are currently trying to identify more veterans who may need this assistance. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes the immediate need to serve homeless veterans and slow the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The CARES funding allows MTOC to expand on services that are already available through the SSVF program. The goal of the CARES Act SSVF funding is to allow MTOC to meet the immediate needs of homeless veterans and reduce the exposure of vulnerable populations (as defined by the CDC) who may be at greater risk to or from contracting the COVID-19 virus. The goal of the grant is to prevent and end homelessness among low-income veterans by promoting housing stability. The grant funds are being used to provide supportive services to low-income veterans living in or transitioning to permanent housing.
Veterans are asked to first reach out to the VI Office of Veterans Affairs to verify eligibility by calling (340) 774-8387 or (340) 773-8387 or by sending an email to info_va@va.vi.gov. To continue safeguarding the lives of Veterans, their families, and the staff of the VI Office of Veterans Affairs please call before coming to the office. That call may alleviate an office visit.
The Supportive Services Program can assist eligible veterans on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John.
For more information on eligibility or to apply for the SSVF program call:
MTOC at (340)714-7782, (340)713-0555 or the Office of Veterans Affairs at (340)774-8387 or (340)773-8387
See PRESS RELEASE: Press Release – MTOC Funding for VI Veterans (Revised)