In honor of National Vietnam Veterans Day, the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs and the Office of the Governor are teaming up to celebrate the territories’ Vietnam Veterans. On Wednesday April 3rd, at Government House on St. Croix, all of the territories’ Vietnam Veterans (In Country Veterans or Era Veterans) are invited to a joint celebration hosted by Governor Albert Bryan and Director Patrick Farrell. This event will take place form 11:30am to 2pm.
Free transportation to St. Croix will be provided via boat for those Vietnam Veterans living in the St Thomas / St John district. Any Vietnam Veteran needing transportation from St Thomas is asked to come to the St Thomas office as soon as possible to sign up and get additional details. Please sign up by 2pm on Tuesday April 2, 2019. The St Thomas office is located directly across the street from the Nisky Moravian Church, in the MCH building on the first floor.
There is no need for Vietnam Veterans from the island of St. Croix to RSVP or sign up.
Attire for this event is Semi Casual.
“This will be the first time in a long time that some of these Vietnam Veterans have seen each other. As a matter of fact, there may be a case or two where some may not have seen each other since being in transit to Vietnam or while they were in Vietnam”, said Director Farrell.
For further information please call the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs in either district at (340) 773 8387 (STX) or (340) 774 8387(STT).