6 July 2020
Office of the Governor and VI Office of Veterans Affairs to Remember Fallen Veterans
The Office of the Governor and the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs will host a Flag Presentation Ceremony for Virgin Islands Veterans who passed during the COVID-19 shutdown earlier this year.
Unfortunately, there were family members not able to receive ceremonial flag presentations after the passing of their loved ones because of the current global pandemic. Nationally, all ceremonial flag presentations were paused to safeguard the lives of Veterans and their families. Recently, with measure being put in place such as the “No Mask, No Service” mandate, we are now able to go forward with the normal flag presentations. Governor Bryan and Director Farrell will be on hand to make flag presentations to next-of-kin of the identified fallen Veterans.
Retroactive Ceremonial Flag Presentations will take place as follows:
- Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 9:00am at the Verne I. Richards Memorial Park ~ Frederiksted, St. Croix
- Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 9:00am at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Veterans Memorial Park ~ St. Thomas
Family Members have been notified of this ceremony. Anyone wishing to attend either ceremony is asked to please follow all safety measure currently in place.
For more information please reach out to the VI Office of Veterans Affairs using one of the following means of communication:
Phone: (340) 774-8387 / (340) 773-8387, info_va@va.vi.gov, or http://veterans.vi.gov
See Press Release: Press Release – Retroactive Ceremonial Flag Presentation