22 June 2020
First Bank to Announce Initiative for Veterans
First Bank has made it known to the Lieutenant Governor of the Virgin Islands and the V.I. Office of Veterans Affairs that they are launching a new initiative for Veterans in the territory.
On Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 Mr. José González, VP & Sales Manager and Mrs. Kareema Dover-Hendricks, Insurance Agent at FirstBank Plaza will make the announcement on “The Veterans Voice”. The Veterans Voice is a one-hour radio call in talk show hosted by the director of the Office of Veterans Affairs Patrick Farrell. The Veterans Voice is aired on FM 107.9 every Tuesday evening from 7-8pm.
“Having insight on the upcoming announcement, I am very happy that First Bank is taking this step to assist our Veterans. Our Veterans deserve every bit of it. On the mainland, these opportunities come a dime-a-dozen for Veterans. I don’t usually speak for others, but I know I will be well in line when I say our Veterans will embrace this opportunity”, said Director Farrell.
For more information please reach out to the VI Office of Veterans Affairs using one of the following means of communication:
Phone: (340) 774-8387 / (340) 773-8387, info_va@va.vi.gov, or http://veterans.vi.gov
See Press Release: Press Release – First Bank Initiative for Veterans