1. Are you a Veteran?
2. Do you have an interest in being a part of the Governmental and Industrial Co-Ed Slow-pitch Softball League?
3. Are you interested being a part of the “New” Veterans Softball Team?
If your answer is yes to all three questions then you are invited to our meeting.
The Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs will be sponsoring a softball team in the 2020 Governmental and Industrial Co-Ed Slow-pitch Softball League on the island of St. Croix and St. Thomas. If you are interested come and join the meeting in your district:
St. Croix
Monday November 18th at the “American Legion Post #85” in Christiansted starting at 6pm
St. Thomas / St John:
Wednesday November 20th at the Griffith Ballpark starting at 6pm.
If there are
any further questions please call Director Farrell at 340-774-VETS (8387) or (340)773-VETS (8387).