Official Reopening of St Croix Office of Veterans Affairs
The Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs is pleased to announce the official re-opening of “The Eryle Alric Rohlsen Veterans Affairs Building” in Estate Richmond.
Eryle Alric Rohlsen (deceased) answered the first call to duty by enlisting in the United States Army in July of 1944 until he was honorably discharged in April of 1946 at the rank of Tech Sergeant. After his separation from the military, Mr. Eryle Rohlsen continued as a servant within his beloved community, the U.S. Virgin Islands. He served in the capacity of Commander of the American Legion District 10 and was also elected as the first, and thus far the only person from the Virgin Islands, to be elected as President of the National Association of State Director of Veterans Affairs.
The staff of “The Eryle Alric Rohlsen Veterans Affairs Building” was relocated in 2016 due to fair wear and tear and the need for renovation to the building. During the initial process, the building suffered additional damages as a direct result of the 2017 Hurricane Season and further delayed the process. “We are happy to be back at our new and improved home office. It is also our pleasure to assist the Bryan/Roach administration in progressively ensuring that the legacy of Virgin Islands heroes/honorees continue to live on appropriately”, said Director Farrell.
NOTE: Due to social distancing recommendations, we will make this ceremony available via social media and the government access channel. We ask that persons with official invitations be the only ones physically in attendance.
For more information please contact us at 340-774-VETS (8387), 340-773-VETS (8387) or info_va@va.vi.gov
See Press Release – Official Reopening of St Croix Office of Veterans Affairs