The management and staff of the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs is pleased to announce the initiation of a new communication platform for Virgin Islands Veterans. This platform is another effort to continue working towards Governor Bryan’s quest to bring the VI Government current with today’s technology.
Veterans interested in being kept abreast of all information relating to Veterans are asked to text the word VIVets (no spaces) to 888-652-8387. This text will generate a welcome message from the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs. Subsequently you will be prompted to provide your name, phone number, email address, branch of service and dates of service. After these 2 small steps are completed, there will be no further information required.
“We project that this platform will be the missing link as it relates to our Veterans being notified without missing a beat. We encourage our Veterans to access this platform as soon as possible”, said Director Patrick Farrell.
If there are any further questions, please call our office at one of the following numbers:
(340) 774-VETS (8387) St. Thomas/St. John
(340) 773-VETS (8387) St. Croix.
See Press Release: Press Release – 2021 Veteran Communication Platform