MEDIA CONTACT PERSON: Director Patrick Farrell
340-774-VETS (8387)
29 August 2022
Virgin Islander and Brigadier General Jeth B. Rey To Be Promoted
After serving 35 plus years in the United States Army, fellow Virgin Islander, Jeth B. Rey, will be promoted to rank of Major General on September 1, 2022. Brigadier General (Promotable) Rey joined the U.S. Army as an enlisted Soldier, then subsequently attended and successfully completed Warrant Officer Candidate School. A few years later, Brigadier General (Promotable) Rey attended and successfully completed Officer Candidate School which led him to currently being a general officer within the United States Army. Brigadier General (Promotable) Rey’s promotion to Major General will be his 17th promotion since he first joined the U.S. Army in 1983.
Brigadier General (Promotable) Jeth B. Rey will be interviewed by the Director of the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans Affairs, Patrick D. Farrell, this coming Tuesday evening (Aug 30, 2022) at 7pm on FM 107.9 DaVYBE.
Veterans can continue to get up-to-date information from the Office of Veterans Affairs website at www.veterans.vi.gov ,the Office of Veteran Affairs-USVI Facebook page, by calling the office @ (340) 774-8387 or (340) 773-8387, or by texting the word VIVets (no spaces) to 888-652-8387
Press Release – Brigadier General Jeth B. Rey To Be Promoted